Culture Climate Survey 34 Questions to Measure How Your Employees are Feeling featured image

[Culture Climate Survey] – 34 Questions to Measure How Your Employees are Feeling 

Workplace Transformation

The workplace has changed, and what we have collectively experienced continues to have a great impact in our daily work. The workplace is not what it used to be and is certainly a different experience for your team members.

How can you adapt to employees’ changing needs, build a more employee-friendly workplace, and achieve long-term business success within this current climate? Focus on your culture.

Culture is a critical point. The organizations that have great working cultures attract, retain, and succeed.

Where does a great company culture begin?

With finding out how your employees are truly feeling

Culture climate surveys are an invaluable tool for measuring and managing your culture.

This type of survey profiles the alignment between your mission and the actual workforce beliefs and behaviors by addressing specific topics like:

  • Trust in leadership
  • Comfort in expressing opinions
  • Job involvement
  • Perceptions of future growth
  • Atmosphere of honesty
  • Tolerance for differences

How to run your own culture climate survey:

Use a 5-point feedback scale

Our team has found success using brief, anonymous surveys to engage our clients’ employees.

  1. Strongly agree | agree | (neither agree nor disagree) | disagree | strongly disagree
  2. Excellent | good | neutral | fair | poor
  3. All of the time | most of the time | some of the time | hardly ever | never
  4. To a very great extent | to a great extent | to some extent | to a very little extent | to no extent at all
  5. Very satisfied | satisfied | (neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) | dissatisfied | very dissatisfied

    Pick from these sample questions:

    Pick the top 15 or so questions that are most relevant to your organized to engage employees

    1. Do you feel your organization is a good company to work for?
    2. Do you feel supported in your position?
    3. Do the benefits provided by your employer fit the needs of your and your family?
    4. Does your employer succeed in communicating changes/decisions that affect employees?
    5. Do you consistently receive information that is needed to do your job?
    6. Do you believe that you will have career growth opportunities in this organization?
    7. Are you encouraged to contribute?
    8. Do you feel your organization is inclusive?
    9. Are you encouraged to learn new skills or deepen your knowledge to help you succeed in your position?
    10. Does your organization provide training opportunities for everyone?
    11. Do you feel your organization is transparent?
    12. Do you have a career outlook that motivates you to work for this company?
    13. Are your colleagues willing to help each one another?
    14. Do the employees of this company have a good relationship with each other?
    15. In general, do your colleagues share knowledge?
    16. Are employees involved in decision making?
    17. Do you wish you had more responsibilities?
    18. Do you consider that your work is important for the company to reach its goals?
    19. Are you proud of this company?
    20. Does your organization value diversity?
    21. Do you feel fulfilled professionally?
    22. Do the conditions at your work allow you to be productive?
    23. Do you feel recognized for your work?
    24. Do you feel you are compensated fairly?
    25. Do you feel that you are an important part of the team?
    26. Are you recognized by your manager for your contributions?
    27. Are you satisfied with the information you receive from Management on what’s going on in the Company?
    28. Do you have flexibility to arrange your work schedule to meet personal/family responsibilities?
    29. Do you have materials and equipment needed to do your job?
    30. Do you understand the criteria used to decide compensation?
    31. Do you find your job enjoyable and challenging?
    32. Do your job make good use of your skills and abilities?
    33. Does your manager assist in identifying training and development needs?
    34. Does your work give you’re a sense of personal accomplishment?