Our team recently started an employee book club. Last week we gathered on Teams, with coffee in hand, to discuss our first book by Jon Gordon, Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else. We all agreed the fast pace, easy to read format was enjoyable. Each of us were able to find different inspiration between the pages and we thought we’d share them with you.
Here are few life lessons we took away from the book.
1) “My biggest take away from “Training Camp” was how “fear” can cripple a person to the point of failure. Recognizing and taming one’s fears will make a person more mindful of the triggers that evoke fears. Therefore, having the ability to identify and overcome one’s fears and triggers will assist in hurdling “fear based” roadblocks moving forward. It’s such a simple concept but one we don’t put into practice.”- Toni
2) “Taking care of your physical self leads to greater emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being. Coach Ken decided to change his former unhealthy habits and find his best self – when he did, he was better able to help his players, colleagues and family. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.” – Amanda R
3) “My takeaway was the “the mind is a powerful tool, you can accomplish just about anything when you focus on the now, stay positive, and focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t” – Lori
4) “The best do ordinary things better. This reminded how important the little things are too—in work and in life! Whether it’s writing a message for our participants or replying to an email, people notice the little things we do that make their experience better.” – Adrianna
5) “You are either getting better or worse but never staying the same. If you are not getting better, then it means you are getting worse. That’s why the best are always pushing themselves out of their comfort zone as they strive to get better. Those who want to just be average and good are happy to be comfortable. But for the best, comfort is not an option.” – Stephanie
6) “It’s simply mind over matter, just keep moving forward.”- Amanda H
7) “I love the 20 Ways to Get Mentally Tough. They were all good, but I especially liked “When you face a setback, think of it as a defining moment that will lead to a future accomplishment.” – Sarah
8) “The trait of the Best of the Best that stood out to me the most was, “The best are always striving to be better.” It reminds me of one of the “7 Habits,” which is to “keep sharpening the saw.” It is a good reminder to always keep learning, always strive to improve, set high goals, and never settle or be complacent. Just because you are the best one day, it does not mean you will stay there!” – Rachel
9) “My biggest take away was to not let fear get in the way of living. Find joy and fun while striving to become the best. Focus on enjoying the task at hand vs. focusing on the deep-seated fears you may have around the goal.” – Becky
Have you read Training Camp? What did you think?