Laying the Foundation for a People First Culture featured image graphic

Laying the Foundation for a People-First Culture

We recently sat down with Shira, National Practice Leader of Health & Wellbeing from OneDigital. Our conversation around employee engagement trends quickly led to an understanding that no matter what initiatives or tools you plan to offer in 2023, you need to start by rallying around employees and show that you truly support their overall health & wellbeing.

We asked her, “What can our listeners do to focus on creating, or improving their culture at their organization?” She focused in 4 key foundational concepts to lay the groundwork for a strong, people-first culture.

This is part of Motion Connected’s Great Culture Webinar Series

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1) Start by asking & truly understanding your demographic

“I think we do talk a lot about asking employees what they want & value and it is important for employees to feel like their voice is heard. But we also have a lot of other ways to be informed if we look at our demographics. If we look at the stages that people are at in their career, the stage that our people are at in their life. All those things influence the priorities & needs of your people. Ask employees, but also use the data that you have at your fingertips.”

2) Align your employee well-being strategy into a centrally focused business strategy

“Tie your wellbeing and engagement strategy to your other business goals and objectives, whether that be employee retention, better client service, etc.”

3) Put your metrics down on paper

“Make sure that you have a way to measure success, and it’s not all going to be quantitative. It’s not all going to fit pretty perfect in a nice little graph. That does not mean that you are not making an impact. A lot of you are probably doing a ton of great work and maybe not getting the credit and the recognition you deserve. So that right there would be your reason to put the metrics down on paper. Look at what it means to you to be successful and if you have the right tactics in place to tie back to the business goals and objectives.”

4) Have a plan, but allow your plan and strategy to evolve

“Don’t just look once a year and say, oh well, that didn’t work. Make sure that that there is some ongoing accountability and ownership of measuring and monitoring your initiatives.”

Ready to hear more from Shira & the latest wellbeing & benefit trends?

Great Culture Webinar Intro Slide with Onedigital

Watch the full episode recording here >>>