The trickle down effects of poor mental health in the C suite featured image

The Trickle-Down Effects of Poor Mental Health in the C-Suite

In order to be our best, we need to put our oxygen mask on first before helping others

Recent data reveals that no one can take their health, including their mental health, for granted. New research from Deloitte shows that leaders are struggling with poor mental health and that nearly 70% of the C-suite are seriously considering quitting for a job that better supports their well-being.

Deloitte partnered with independent research firm Workplace Intelligence to survey 2,100 employees and leadership executives across four countries: the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

The results are surprising; however, given the current state of the workplace, we shouldn’t be shocked by these findings.

See: Do Your Employees Feel Supported?

No one is at their best when they are chronically stressed and burned out. Results indicate that both employees and the C-suite are struggling to prioritize their well-being—and for most people, work is to blame.

According to the research, C-Suite Executives have alarming levels of mental duress and fatigue.

  • 41% percent are stressed
  • 40% are overwhelmed
  • 36% are exhausted
  • 30% are lonely
  • 26% are depressed

Leaders Experience Greater Distress Than Employees

In contrast, employees are 5% less overwhelmed, 6% less lonely and 3% less depressed, indicating that leaders are experiencing far less well-being than the employees they are attempting to lead.

When leaders take care of themselves, they are better leaders. They can be more empathetic, better listeners, better problem-solvers, are more productive and can be a role model for their employees. Good leaders can positively impact culture, organizational health, employee engagement and improve retention.

For the employee – how can they feel seen and heard when it comes to their own wellbeing if the leaders in their organization are experience a higher level of mental distress and fatigue?

Leaders – It is time to put on your oxygen mask in order to help the individuals in your organization.

Not sure where to start?

Take steps to live a healthy life. Health isn’t just about fitness or disease prevention – it’s about living your best life.

While investing in your physical health is crucial to prevent chronic illness, investing in your mental wellbeing is as important. Use these resources to help you and your loved ones live mentally well.