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Understanding the Importance of Empathy in Today’s Workplace

Employees are leaving their jobs in record numbers

These statistics point to the fact that today’s workplace has changed, and what we have all collectively experienced within this pandemic continues to have a significant impact. It did not necessarily create new challenges, but it amplified and put a spotlight on the challenges and struggles employees were already facing.

Why Are Employees Leaving?

Why are employees leaving? They are leaving because they are tired, burned-out, and stressed. They are feeling frustrated by employer’s lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and sometimes it is simply not a choice, but a must-do to support their children.

So, how can organizations adapt to these struggles and changing needs, and build a more employee-friendly workplace to achieve long-term business success?

It starts with empathy.

Employees want their leaders to do more – and they are not going to wait around for it to happen.

Over the past year, no area has undergone more rapid transformation than the way we work. Employee expectations are changing, and we will need to define productivity much more broadly — inclusive of collaboration, learning, and wellbeing to drive career advancement for every worker, including frontline and knowledge workers, as well as for new graduates and those who are in the workforce today. All this needs to be done with flexibility in when, where, and how people work.”

– Satya Nadella, CEO at Microsoft

Unfortunately, research shows that people are far less empathetic than they were 30 years ago.

While it is lacking, it has never been more important.

Simply put, employees want to know they are cared for and valued.

In terms of engaging employees and retaining them over time, they want their leaders to advocate for them. Part of doing that is showing respect and empathy. Leveraging empathy allows your culture to go beyond the ultimate ‘office experience’. Cereal bars, lunch buffets, ping-pong tables and on-site fitness centers may get individuals in the door, but not necessarily stay at an organization.

Empathy also allows employees to feel they are a part of something bigger – a company with great culture AND emotional connection that WORKS for their lifestyle, their family, and their career development, is one that survives this great resignation.

Companies that haven’t put in the effort to address the importance of empathy through things like leadership development, employee communication and a healthy culture – these are the organizations that are going to be most affected.

How to Start Leading with More Empathy

Wondering HOW your organization can start leading with more empathy? Look for our next blog launching next week.